2020-2023 Anansi Students

Anansi had hundred and thirty-seven (137) students who applied in 2020 for its support. Out of the number, only eighty (80), representing 58.4%, submitted their complete documents [Application forms, test scores and school placement forms]. Of the eighty, twenty-three (23) were disqualified with their test scores. For the remaining fifty-seven (57), a consideration was given to their poverty scorecards which is a great determinant in our selection process.

After a thorough scrutiny of the data, thirty-six students were selected for the 2020/2021 academic year. I should admit that the selection was tougher this year since we had seventeen (17) more students who equally qualified and deserving of our supports, but had no sponsorship for them.

Below is the list of the selected students with something little about them. Sponsors of these individual students will get to know them more. Two of the selected students are without named sponsors.





Adelaide Nunoo Gordon’s mother passed away when she was only six-year-old. She has lived with her grandmother and an aunty since then. Her father is nowhere to be found. Adelaide is enrolled at Methodist Senior High School. Sponsor: Bob


Anna Sam was selected from MAnna_Sampeasem A.M.E. Zion basic school. She was the best student from her school. Her father is in his early eighties and mother in her late fifties. Both parents are weak and financial unsound to fully support this promising young lady. Anna said, she doubts if her father can support her throughout her schooling – he is very weak and diabetic. Anna aspires to become a professional teacher in the future. She prays to achieve her goal so that she can be useful to her family, community, and the nation. Anna is receiving her high school education at Mfantsiman Girls Senior High School. Sponsor: Mark




Beauty Nimo Arthur is from Efutu. Her parents divorced when she was only 2years and she has since been under the care of her mother. Her mother assists someone to operate a “chopbar”, a local eatery for a wage. Beauty has been selling oranges and bananas to support her mother to cater for her and her other siblings. Her hopes of going through senior high school were further dimmed when her mother had no strength to work at the “chopbar”. With supports from Anansi, Beauty is currently at Aburaman Senior High School studying Home Economics. Sponsors: Merrill & Lorene





Charity Arthur from Yabiw in the Shama Ahanta Metropolis started experiencing the worse of life’s tragedy when her father passed away in 2018. She said her father was provident so his absence is heavily felt by the family. Charity wants to be a journalist in future. With Anansi’s support, she is successfully enrolled at Daboase Senior High Technical School. Sponsor: Leigh





“I lost both parent to a road accident when I was very little” – words of Charlotte Morgan. Charlotte wants to become a nurse in future to support sick persons. She stays with her aunty who takes care of Charlotte and her little sister in addition to her own children. With the help of Anansi, Charlotte is successfully enrolled at Edinaman Senior High School. Sponsor: Pam






“Due to the financial inabilities of my parents, I was given out to one madam Akos, a fish monger, whom I help to smoke fish” – Christiana Sena Kpodo. She said that because she does not relate to her foster mother, she is heavily maltreated. Despite the pains Christiana went through, she still managed to be one of the best students from her basic school. She wants to be a nurse in future so that she can educate the young girls in her community about adolescent reproductive health. With Anansi’s support, the daughter of a “kayaye”, a person who carries load at the market for a fee, has a rejuvenated hope to receive high school education at Daboase Senior High Technical School to study General Science. Sponsor: Barbara






Cletus Armstrong Mensah completed the Mpeasem A.M.E. Zion Basic School. He was one of the bright students from the school. His mother operates a table-top shop and the father is a mason. He is the 4th Child of his parents seven children. Cletus wants to be specialist in his field of work in future. He is enrolled at Adisadel College in Cape Coast. Sponsor: Bob





Elimelech_NunooElimelech Nunoo is from Assorko Essamang in the Shama Ahanta Metropolis. His father is a commercial tricycle rider and his mother sells Banku, a local dish. He is the 2nd child of his parents’ four children. His elder sibling is physically and mentally impaired which has cost the parents a lot. The father who provides for the family is now jobless as the tricycle he works with is damaged. Elimelech wants to be a great agricultural entrepreneur in Ghana in the near future. Anansi supported Elimelech’s family to put together his items required for high school. He is now at Fiaseman Senior High School studying Agricultural Science. Sponsor: Micky 





Elizabeth Gyekye said she aspires to become a medical doctor in the nearest future. She said the profession is so dear to her heart such that she is ever determine to study harder for it. She also likes to sing. She is a daughter of a welder and a petty trader. Elizabeth has gained admission at Wesley Girls Senior High School to study General Science. Sponsor: Kevin & Mary






Emelia Sam from Ayeldu near Abura Dunkwa. Both of her parents work as labourers in other people’s farm in order to get money to feed their family. Emelia supports the home by selling iced-water and drink. Due to the challenges at home, she said that she hardly went to school. With Anansi supporting her to fully benefit from her senior high school education at Obiri Yeboah Senior High School, Emelia says she is more motivated to study now. Sponsor: Gaby





Emmanuel Tawiah is from Biriwa. He is the fifth child of his parents’ seven children. His family now lives in a one room donated to them by their church. Emmanuel said barely does his father gets money to support the house and to count of paying for his school materials. He is determined of breaking his family’s poverty vicious cycle one day. “I want to be a teacher but how can my dream be realised looking at my living conditions? I believe with my studiousness and Anansi’s sponsorship; I can go far towards achieving my dream” – these are words of Emmanuel. He is now studying general science at Methodist High Senior High School. Sponsors: Kevin & Mary 





“My name is Ernestina Ansah. My mother died when I was in junior high school first year. I was living with my father together with my three siblings. One day when we returned from school our father was nowhere to be found. We were left to face life by ourselves.” These are excerpts of Ernestina’s story. Ernestina is currently staying with a neighbour and Anansi is supporting her to fully enjoy her further education at Oguaa Senior High Technical School in Cape Coast. Ernestina wants to become a nurse in future. Sponsor: Mavis 






“I am Ernestina Yamoah. My parents divorced when my younger brother was a year and half old and he is eight years old now. Since then, life hasn’t been easy with us at all. We are six siblings sleeping in one room with my mother”. At the time of our assessment, Ernestina family had no electricity in their house because they couldn’t afford it. She prays to have a better future with hard work so that she can motivate more younger ones who will be going similar situations to aspire higher. Ernestina is now at Effutu Senior High Technical School. Sponsors: Mark & Kirsten






Francisca Odei-Banning is a child of a pensioner and a petty trader. Francisca wants to become a chartered accountant in future. She is receiving her high school education at Swedru Senior High School. Sponsor: Mary 







Gift Winifred Fletcher-Acquah is from Saltpond but stays at Efutu-Koforidua. Her father is a rural preacher and the mother is a janitor. The family relies on the income the mother realises at the end of the mother. Gift said that her parents were always worried about how they would cater for her at the senior high school. She is very thankful Anansi selected her for support to start her high school at Mfantsiman Girls Senior High School. Sponsor: Leigh






Grace Asibi Akunla lost her father who was the breadwinner when she was seven years. Her mother who sells tomatoes has been the one taking care of her and her two other siblings. Grace wants to become a nutritionist in future. She is receiving her senior high school education at the Cape Coast Technical Institute. Sponsor: Anansi Education






Isaac Afranie is from Assin Foso Odumasi. He used to sell firewood to support his mother who is the breadwinner of his family of four children. Isaac recounts going to school sometimes on an empty stomach and therefore depending on benevolent friends to get him food at school. He wants to be a medical doctor in future to serve as an inspiration to many young one in his community where drug abuse and teenage pregnancy is prevalent. Anansi supported Isaac to enroll at Twifo Praso Senior High School where he is studying general science. 


Ismael Dodoo


“I am Ismael Dodoo. I lost my father when I was an infant. I have been staying with mother who even struggles to put food on the table for her three children. I work as a labourer to support the family mostly.” Ismael says it has been his prayer to learn very hard to become a successful person in future to help his family and others. Anansi supported Ismael to enroll at Effutu Senior High Technical School. Sponsor: Mike







Ishmealina Essuman stays at Efutu with her mother who solely caters for her because her father is now incapable to provide because he is weak and sick. The mother assists someone to sell ready-made school uniforms during market days at Jukwa. Her mother cares for three other children too. Ishmealina is at Komenda Senior High Technical School. Sponsors: Ted & Chris 





Joshua Kofi Kwawu fled from his home town in the Volta Region to his current location in the Awuna Beach of the Shama Ahanta Metropolis when his family refused him school and wanted him to engage in full-time fishing. Joshua is the oldest of our students for this year, born in 1993. He said, he had to stay at home for years to support his father until he realised his father has no interest in his education. He is currently staying with his old aunty who is financially incapable. Joshua goes for fishing and fetching firewood weekends now to provide food for himself. Joshua is now enrolled in Shama Senior High School. He wants to become a banker in future. Sponsors: Ted & Chris






Kelvin Joe Mensah wants to become a civil engineer in future. His parents separated when he was a baby and has since lived with the grandmother. When the grandmother retired, her support for Kelvin reduced since she had other three grandchildren to cater for. Kelvin was then moved to his aunty who is a food vendor at a public school. Anansi is supporting Kelvin to better enjoy his high school education at Effutu Senior High Technical School. Sponsor: Leslie 






Mariam Ishaque belongs to a family of six. Her father is late and her mother who is a petty trading solely takes care of the five children. Due to the pressure on the mother, she was moved to stay with the grandmother. Mariam wants to become a teacher in the future. She is enrolled at University Practice Senior High School in Cape Coast. Sponsor: Jane







Mary Aidoo was selected from Akotokyire in the Cape Coast Metropolis. Her father is a plumber and her mother is a seller of fruits. Mary is currently schooling at Aggrey Memorial Senior High School in Cape Coast. Sponsor: Ted & Chris 







Matilda Nunoo wants to be a midwife in future. She said hardly did she receive support from home so she used to sell soap in order to raise some money to buy her books and even food for school. Her old parents aren’t working and therefore have little to offer. She sees Anansi’s support as a motivation to keep up learning and staying focus in order to achieve her dream. Matilda is at Mfantsiman Girls Senior High School kind courtesy of Anansi. Sponsor: Alisa 





“I have parents but they are nowhere to be found.” This is the story of Michael Amoah from Moree, a town close to Cape Coast. Michael has been under the care of his grandmother who is in her seventies. He depends on the charities his grandmother receives for his feeding and school materials. He said, considering his age which is six years above his class’s average age, he is self-motivated to beat all odds. He wants to become a teacher in future in order to impact many younger ones. He is studying Visual Arts at Nyankumasi Ahenkro Senior High School with supports from Anansi Education. Sponsor: Leigh





Millicent Marfo’s father is a mason and her mother sells roasted corn and groundnut. She said her father lost his job five years ago and since the family solely rely on the mother who makes a little from her sales. Millicent foresees herself in ten year from now being a medical doctor. Her father suggested she learns a trade, but with the support from Anansi, she is successfully enrolled at Oguaa Senior High School in Cape Coast studying General Science. Sponsor: Stephen






I don’t want to be a burden on my parents and the society – words of Moses Arthur of Ankwandah. “My aspiration is to become independent and self-reliant in future.” His father is a farmer who has little money to even hire a labourer to help him expand his farm. Moses is at Adisadel College studying Business. Sponsor: Jane 







Nicholas Fofie is a son of a carpenter and a petty trader. He has three other siblings. Nicholas has always had the dream of becoming a lecturer in future. He said, it will be really difficult task for my parents to put me through senior high school. Fortunately, Anansi selected Nicholas to enroll at the Saint Augustine’s College in Cape Coast to pursue Business studies. Sponsor: Bob 






Patrick Arkoh stays at Ankwandah with his grandmother. The parents are separated and this has left him caretaking in the hands of his aged-grandmother. Patrick is receiving his high school education at Oguaa Senior High Technical School in Cape Coast. Sponsors: Anthony & Colleen  






Peter Brenyah lives in Assin Dominase, a farming village around Assin Foso. He attended Assin Dominase Basic School. He is the sixth and last child. He solely depends on her mother, who caters for the other siblings as well. None of his siblings had a high school education. He currently schools at Academy of Christ the King in Cape Coast. Sponsor: Brad & Victoria 






Richard Yeboah is from Assin Foso Odumasi. He has been under the care of his mother since the whereabout of his father is unknown. Richard is the third child of his mother’s five children. Fetching firewood has been their only source of income. None of his elder siblings had gone beyond the basic education level, therefore he is the first to have high school education. Richard is now at Twifo Praso Senior High School. Sponsor: Larry 




“I was told my father travelled when my mother impregnated me, since I was borne, I have been catered for by my grandmother” – words of Richmond Obeng. His grandmother told Anansi that she hears from neither the father nor the mother. The grandmother sells charcoal. Both Solomon and the grandmother were stay and taking care of one old man at Yaayakwano, but had to relocated to their hometown at Biriwa when the man died. Solomon is receiving his high school education at Oguaa Senior High Technical school in Cape Coast. Sponsor: Eleanor






Salamatu Issah from Assin Foso Zongo through Anansi’s support was able to break the barrier of entry to senior high school. Her divorced parents weren’t in agreement with her decision to proceed to senior high school. She wants to be become a police officer in future, but believes education is the only means to earn her there. Salamatu stays with her sister who sells charcoal to cater for her and others. She gained admission to Twifo Praso Senior High School. Sponsor: Anansi Education 





“I was told my father was involved in a car accident which took away his life when I was three years” – Sherifatu Ayuba. Her mother has been the one caring for her until she lost her job. Since then, she has been the responsibility of her grandfather. Sherifatu said she was countlessly sacked out of school because she owed almost everything which required money to pay for. Sherifatu has a dream of becoming a caterer. She is studying Home Economics at the Academy of Christ Senior High School. Sponsor: Anansi Education





Solomon Nkesiah recounted that if not by the assistance of some of his teachers and friends at school, he couldn’t have completed basic school. Both parents are peasant farmers who realise no money or little from their toil. For this reason, Solomon had no push financially to enjoy even his basic school education. Anansi is supporting Solomon to best enjoy his senior high school education at Mfantsipim School in Cape Coast. Sponsor: Alisa






“Life for me has not been that easy. My mother as a single parent has been trying her best to help me, but it hasn’t been easy”. These are words from Trudylove Odoom. She wants to be a nurse in future. She believes with her profession; she can help save more lives in her community. Anansi is supporting Trudylove at Ghana National College in Cape Coast throughout her three-year senior high school education. Sponsor: Larry





Thank you, all sponsors and patrons of Anansi Education for supporting us. We wish the best of luck in everything. We appreciate it.