2013-2016 Students

Anansi was able to fund 26 new students at the beginning of the 2013-2014 academic year.

Rakiatu AdamuRakiatu Adamu

Sponsored by Gail and Gary Fortenberry

“My name is Rakiatu Adamu.  I am a girl of sixteen years.  I am dark in complexion.  I am the first born of my mother.  I have a younger brother who is five years old.  I don’t really know my father so the father of my brother is the one taking care of us.  My mother is a petty trader who can’t cater for me in the senior high level.”




Ruby AmimRuby Amim

Sponsored by Jane Talbot and Kevin Williamson

“Our 26th student this year was selected by the Head Master of Ghana National High School in Cape Coast in January.  She, Ruby Amim, is a personable bright girl who earned an aggregate of 12 on her qualifying exams for high school.  The lower the score, the better the score.  06 is a perfect score and anything under 16 is very promising, so her future is academically bright.

She moved from her family and the small village where they lived to her uncle’s home in Accra when she was ten years old.  It was there she did so well on her exams.  Her parents have not catered for her since then.  Her uncle recently died and her father has attempted to pay her high school fees, but as a small farmer who mostly provides food for his family, it has been a difficult impossible task.”

Rexford Amoako-OpareRexford Amoako-Opare

Sponsored by Larry and Alisa Roe

“My name is Rexford Amoako-Opare, am a young guy of 17 years old  Am also a second year  Assin Manso Senior High School Student offering Agriculture Science.  I am a first born of eight children.  My dad is dead and I’m with my mum in the house.  And I am very excited of you helping me to continue my education.

The game I like best is football.  Also I like blue and white colours so whenever I am feeling bored, I go to a green house near to us and there is garden of flowers where I find my favorite colour and play with it.

Also the food that I like best is fufu, a food that is prepared with cassava and plantain.  I also like rice but not much like fufu.  I also like wearing blue and white shirt with black shorts.  And by the grace of the Almighty my life is Ghana is doing great.  Thank you.”

Mary AnthonyMary Anthony

Sponsored by  Kevin and Diane Formway

“My name is Mary Anthony, a girl of 17 years of age.  Am dark in complexion.  I have six siblings including me that is four boys and two girls.  Am the first daughter of my parent.  Am from a very poor background.  My mother is a farmer and my father  too is a farmer, so you can see that we are not at all that rich but struggle very hard.

My dream is to become a nurse in future, just to save people from dieing.  My best color I like is green colour.  I really love gree colour and also the game I really love most is ludu and ampe.  Honestly my life at school has not be very easy for me but by God’s grace I have completed my junior high school and I really need your support so that I can further my senior high level.  The almighty God will bless you.”


Dorcas ArthurDorcas Arthur

 Sponsored by Susan and Eric Hirst

“I am Dorcas Arthur a young girl of 16 years of age.  I completed Jukwa Model Basic School.  I during my year in the school was the school nurse of which I serve the school with all best.

I come from a poor family.  The name of my parent are Peter Arthur and Cecelia Arthur.  My father is a farmer and my mother is also a farmer.  My father is having some sickness of which he cannot work as before the same way as my mother.  I want to become a nurse in the near by future.  I want to be a person who I will help in the development of our nation.  I help my parents in all what they do in order to receive their help.  In my school I work very  hard to achieve my goals.  I want to be a person who will use his chance to do a very wonderful work and you will be happy about it.  Thank you very much for your help.  May God richly  bless you for the wonderful work you are doing.”

Hannah ArthurHannah Arthur

Sponsored by Barbara Hudson and proceeds from the Anansi auction

“I am Hannah Arthur.  I come from Cape Coast, but I stay at Mpeasem which can be located at Jukwa road at your right hand of the town.  I am a girl  at an age of 19 years old.  I am fair in complexion.”





John ArthurJohn Arthur

Sponsored by Mike Billings

“My name is John Arthur.  I come from Assin Dominase.  I am SHS one I am twenty year old.  The food I like best is rice and egg stew and the game I like best is football.  My father name is Samuel Arthur and my mother name is Mary Arthur and my family twenty family.   I am very hard work.”





Sam Buaku BanardSam Buaku Banard

Sponsored by Pam Crow and Gaby Donnell

“My self name is Sam Buaku Banard.  I am 18 years old.  I come from Abram-Berase via Cape Coast in Ghana.  I am black in complexion and also short boy in my family.

Furthermore, in my family we are five members, my mother, myself and with three sisters.  Thirdly, the food I like best is rice, yam and stew.  And I also like striath dress.  Thank you very much.”




Getrude BanfoGetrude Banfo

Sponsored by Caroline Polak

“My name is Getrude Banfo.  I come from Abrem Berasi.  I am sixteen years old.  I am dark in complexion.  I am tall and long I have a pointed nose, a broad face and small mouth.  The food I like best is banku and okro stew and the game I like best is football.  We are seven in my family, my parents and five children, one boy and four girls.”




John Alan BarnesJohn Alan Barnes

Sponsored by Stephen and Mavis Roe

“I am John Alan Barnes.  A boy of 18 years old.  The game I like best is football and the colour I like best is blue.  I have a very small family.  My grandma and two brothers and I have met the older one just once and I didn’t spend much time with them.  I left them when I was young and stayed in an orphanage because they can’t afford me my needs and sent me to basic school.

Thank you for the scholarship.  Words can’t express how much thankful I am.  Thank you.”


Mabel BoafoMabel Boafo

Sponsored by Samantha Porter

“I am very glad to write about myself.  Firstly,  I am a girl whose father is no more looking after me and therefore I humbly want to attend to school as you already aware and it is a fact that your helping is going to send me far away if necessary.

Secondly, I therefore thank you once again for the sponsorship you are going to take me through.  In fact, I don’t even have a word when I heard about whatever Sir Brad told may God richly bless and may he increase in your growth.

Thirdly,  thank you very much for word which has been giving me.  May the lord honour you in your fruitfulness, may you live long.”

Francis BoatengFrancis Boateng

Sponsored by Bob McDonnell

“My name is Francis Boateng.  I am forteen years old.  I come from Abrem Berase via Cape Coast in Ghana.  I am fair in complexion.  I am not tall.  And short.  The food I like best is rice and stew with chicken.   The game I like best is football.  And the coloure I like best is orange coloure.  We are four in our house, myself, my mother, my sister and her baby.

The food I like best is fufu and light soup.  This food is very difficult to prepare.  My favourite colors are yellow and green.  I like playing with kids most.  I am very happy about  you giving me a scholarship.  Thank you.”

Sarah DavisSarah Davis

Sponsored by Michael and Ann Karp

“Sarah Davis is my name.  I am a girl of seventeen years old.  I am also fair in complexion and very slim, tall and beautiful as well as humble and respectful girl.  I have rounded face and pointed nose.

Furthermore, I live at Mpeasem in the Central Region and we are five in the family and other siblings.  I also attended at mpeasem A.M.F Zion School.  Assembles of God is where I go to church.

Moreover, my best game is Ampe and I also like reading and listing to music at my free time.  My favourite food is banku and okro stew accompany by salad with bread or sweet potatoes which is fried and my favourite colour is red and white.,  I also like fruit such as apple, orange and fruit drink.  Thank you.”

Selasi DenyoSelasi Denyo

Sponsored by Harmony Karp Hayes

“I am very happy because I first completed  JHS 3 at Methodist JHS and because  my family is having big challenge about financial, so I joined Model JHS again at Jukwa and I just completed this year and I had grade 13 in my B.E.C.E. result.  And likewise what happen in past is repeating.

And by God’s grace you have hear my pray to help me.  And what I am saying is that may the Almighty bless you for what you have done to me.  Thank you.”


CathCatherine Forsonerine Forson

Sponsored by Victoria Bennett

“My name is Catherine Forson.  I come from Abrem Berase.  I am seventeen years old.  I am fair in complexion.  I am tall and long.  The food I like best is rice and stew with chiken.  The game I like best is netball.  The colour I like best is green.  We are five in my family, my parent, one brother and two sisters.  Thank you.”




Agbeka Elikem FurgusonAgbeka Elikem Furguson

Sponsored by Wendy Savoie

“My name is Agbeka Elikem Furguson.  I am 19 years old and the food I like best is “Akple” and okro stew.

My father’s name is Sofedo Nukuny.  He is a farmer at Watrso village.  Two of my brothers are in senior high school and one has also completed senior high school and struggling to tertiary institution. I am dreaming to become a medical doctor in the near future because I wish to do science in senior high school.

My parents had divorced and therefore we are all taking care of our father only.  So I thank Anansi for his help.”

Emmanuel GyappahaEmmanuel Gyappaha

Sponsored by Jitske de Jong

“My name is Emmanuel Gyappaha, a boy of 15 years of age.  I am about 4 feet long.  I am fair in complexion and  also the last born of my parent.

You can find me in the central region of Ghana (Cape Coast), Aberam Berase.  My family contains 6 people, my parent and 6 children.  The game I like best is volley ball.  I like welling shot dress.  And also my b est food is rice and egg stew with chiken.  Thank you very much.”



Sekina HobibSekina Hobib

Sponsored by The Diaconie of the Thomaskerk in Amsterdam

“I am a girl of 16 years of age and am staying with my mum only without any father.  My father run away when my mum get give virth to us.  We are three sisters.  All with the same father but my mum second born is with my father’s mother  at Praso Abosu.  And two of us are with my mum.

Please, the reason why I want Anansi should award me with a scholarship to senior high school is that my mum is not having enough money to cater for us.  And also she alone cannot support me in the school.  That is why I’m pleading on you to help me in my education.  And my future carrier is to be a nurse.  So please have mercy on me and help me because If I become a nurse in the future it will help to reduce the sickness in the world.  Thank you very much.”

Seidu IbrahimSeidu Ibrahim

Sponsored by John and Ellen Hill

“My name is Seidu Ibrahim and I am a boy of eighteen years.  I am tall and slim and black in colour.  My favorite food is macaroni and cheese with sauce.  The game I like best is football.  I also like playing hockey.  The colours I like best are while, yellow and blue.  I am very grateful for sponsoring me to go to senior high school so I can achieve my  future dreams.  Thank you.”




Portia Armstrong MensahPortia Armstrong Mensah

Sponsored by Diana Choi

“Portia Armstrong Mensah is my name.  I am a girl of fifteen years old.  I am dark complexion.  I am slim and also tall.  I have rounded face and a pointed nose and also I have a bright colourful eyes.

Secondly, I live at Mpeasem in the Central Region.  We are ten in the family.  My father is a driver, I have four siblings.  They all attend school at Mpeasem A.M.E Zion.  The food I like best is rice and beef stew.  The game I like best is net ball.  The fruit I like best is banana.  My favourite colour is Pink and White.  I like wearing straight  dress as my favourite cloth.  I like wearing slippers.  I use my free time playing net ball at home.”  Thank you.

Francis Ekow NkrumahFrancis Ekow Nkrumah

Sponsored by Friends of Caroline and Jitske

“Francis Ekow Nkrumah is my name.  I come from Abura but I stay at Mpeasem in Cape Coast in the Central Region of Ghana.  I am eighteen years old.

I completed school at Kubease M/A Basic School.  I have nine members in my family.  Mr. George Nkrumah and Mrs. Elixabeth Sam are my parents.  I am not short or tall, but medium. I am fair in complexion.  I have round nose and sexy eyes.  Football and basketball are my favorite games.  The food I like best is rice and stew.  I spend my hobby on reading story books. I like having friendship with people and what I dislike is gossiping with people.  Thank you.”

Abigail ObengAbigail Obeng

Sponsored by Martim Gois

“Abigail Obeng is my name.  I’m a girl of seventeen years old and I am the second child of my parents and I have other two sisters.  The colour I like much is white and black for combination and the food I like best is Banku and Okro stew.

The name of my school is Kubease M/A Basic and my best game is net ball and I like using my lesure time for reading my story book and for waching movies.

Both of my parent are farmers.  And I like them very much.  My father is a very dark man and my mother also dark as I am.  We like tell stories in the evening especially father, and he also like sharing his life story with other for them to be carefull in life.

My mother is also a very good woman.  She always give us what we need if only she has it.  This make me love them very much.”

Frank QuansahFrank Quansah

Sponsored by Victoria Bennett

“I am named Frank Quansah.  I am 17 years old.  I am from Efutu.  We are nine in my family which is my nuclear family.  The game I like best is playing football.  The food I like best is rice with vegetables like carrots and cabbages.

The name of my family is “Nssna”.  We are more than fifty but not up to hundred in my imagination.  My famalies are not having enough money to support themselves.

I dreamed that I will be prominent person in future under the scholarship of Anansi Scholarship Program. Thank you for giving me this scholarship.”

Ahmed Abubakav SadickAhmed Abubakav Sadick

Sponsored by Dale Anderson and Joanne Greenberg

“Ahmed Abubakav Sadick is my name.  I am a boy of 15 years of age.  I come from Takoradi in the western region but I stay at Cape Coast in the central region.

I am dark in complexion and about five feet tall.  I have a pointed nose and dark hair with broad face.

I completed Redemption Baptist School at Cape Coast, Ayikndayikoo behind the filling station.  The name of my mother is Salamatu Yyssif and the name of  my father was Abubakav Sadick who passed away last three years.

I love to play many games but the one I like best is football and also the food I like best is fufu with palmnut soup.  The colour I use to like is white because it serves as success.”

Doris Darley TettehDoris Darley Tetteh

Sponsored by Pat Hayes, Richard Frye, Stephen and Mavis Roe

“My name is Doris Darley Tetteh but Darley is the name used to call me at home.  I live at Tayido but I come from Hans Cottage.  I am 16 years old and I am the third born of my parents children.

My mothers name is Agnes Gyan and my fathers name is Joseph Tetteh.

The food I like best is fufu with palm-nut soup and the game I like mostly is volleyball.”



Ebenezer Oko TettehEbenezer Oko Tetteh

Sponsored by Gail and Gary Fortenberry

“I am a boy of 19 years.old.  I am in SHS one and my name is Ebenezer Oko Tetteh.  In my future I want to be a long time businessman in one of the esteemed banks in Ghana.

I come from Old Ningo in the Greater Accra Region.

My parents had divorce from marriage.  This have resulted in many problems.  They are also not doing any white job so they are unable to take care of me in the senior secondary school since they do not have enough money.  Thank you.”