Kenneth Wyrick from Los Angeles came to Ghana for his first visit with a friend, Jacqueline Arkord. He came armed with a “Raspberry Pi” by World Possible, a device to access Rachel (research access computer hotspot education and learning). He wanted to share this free access to an educational digital library via the internet with the ICT departments in our schools. Through Rachel, students and teachers have access to Kahn Academy, Wikipedia for Schools (6000 articles, 26,000,000 words and 50,000 images), CK-12 textbooks and teacher guides, typing power, medicine plus medical encyclopedia, great books of the world, and many more educational programs designed to enhance learning.
Mohammed,Kenneth and Lisa Dailey were well received by the ICT
(information communication technology) faculty at Edinaman, Ghana National College, University Practice Senior High School and Komenda Teachers Training College. This will not be Kenneth’s only trip to Ghana. Lisa and Ray Dailey and their two wonderful boys, Tyler and RJ were here at the house in Mpeasem for our annual meeting. They have been traveling around the world since the beginning of August.
Kenneth introduced us to QX Schools of the Future and we designed our annual meeting around this new information. We showed them how Rachel worked using the television in the house by presenting a Kahn Academy algebra lesson.
Students then formed into small groups and were asked to list the things they do not like in high school today and dramatize a situation now in school and how they would like to visualize the same situation in a Perfect School of the Future.
These presentations were interesting. Most of the changes these students want in high school are so simple:
• They want the pipes to flow with usable water all the time.
• They want the teachers to stop berating them verbally and physically.
• They want men of authority to stop hitting on female students.
• They want enough food to eat in the cafeteria.
• They want quiet during study times so they can study.
What they want, students in the U.S. already have.
I think the idea of learning in a different way was so new to them
they could not incorporate it into their dramatic presentations.
However, I believe they all went away thinking of new possibilities
for education in the future.
Here are some great photos of the annual meeting and the installation of “Raspberry Pi” at some of the high schools:
2016 Anansi Students
2016 Anansi Students Fun Portrait
Wisdom, Wonder, John and Ama
Wisdom, Ibrahim, Mary, Gertrude, Agbeka
Suwaiba, Ibrahim, Lalinatu
Samuel Yeboah
Sadick, Seidu
Rakiatu Adamu
Rakiatu, Ray, Mary
Beatrice Aidoo
Installing “Raspberry Pi”:
Komenda Teacher’s Training College
Edinaman ICT Teachers
Edinaman Senior High School: Cynthia with students