2012-2015 Students

In 2012, Anansi received significant funding from two organizations in the Netherlands. The Madamfo Foundation run by Wim and Karen Levens with funding from ASML Foundation.  Anansi Education is pleased with and proud of our international alliance with both Madamfo and ASML.

Thanks to this alliance, the number of students we’ve been able to support has more than doubled and in 2012 Anansi was able to fund 31 new students.

Deborah AbbeyDeborah Abbey

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“I would be very proud if I am given this scholarship since my parents are finding it very difficult to see me through school.

I depend on my uncle who also has his children to cater for.  Because of that it’s at times very difficult to complete paying the school fees to have peace of mind to learn.

I believe that if the scholarship is given it will relieve me of the many problems I go through.  I aspire to become a doctor or a nurse in the near future.  I hope by God’s Grace you will give me the opportunity to become somebody in the future.

Thank you in advance for even giving me the opportunity to fill your forms. Thank you once again.”

Kojo Abraham AbakahKojo Abraham Abakah

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“I am writing these to plead for Anansi assisting in terms of education help.  My parent gave birth to nine children and due to financial problem, I am only one who has even able to complete J.H.S.  All the rest are illiterates.

Although I am the only literate among my brothers and sisters but my parent find it very difficult to pay my fees.  Because, they are illiterate and unemployed so they did not pay much attention on my Education.  Sometimes I have to go home and spend some days in the house to force and pay my fees.

So please, I need your help in my Education so that my dream and motive will come through that is, I want to be a best Mathematician in this country and include Africa or being an Accountant. (Kojo earned “A1” in Core Math, Social Studies and Elective Math in his second year in high school, with a “C” in English and the rest “B.”)”

Mercy AdobohMercy Adoboh

Sponsored by Lucinda Stroud and Pam and Jim Wheelock

“Midwife is the career I want to pursue in future, not ordinary midwife but a midwife who is God fearing and with good name in the whole world.  And the reasons are that: I have passion for the career. I want to help mothers especially pregnant women to know the dangers in preghancy and how they can avoid it, so that they can get their abies as expected. Also when I was young I heard that many women went to labour and died but a midwife was able to control it,  She was named Mrs Ivy Vondyk in USA, and for that I have taken her as my role model.

My mother is the only one who has been taken care of me since I started schooling, but when I completed her job collapsed and she couldn’t send me to the Senior High School.”

Janet AidooJanet Aidoo

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“I am an orphan who is under the care of the Akofi-Houson family.  They have been of great help to me ever since.  However, they have a lot of financial responsibilities since all their children are in school, some at the university.

I believe this scholarship will help to relieve their financial burden and also help to purchase some educational materials for my studies.

I am aspiring to become a chartered accountant.”


Sulleyman AmaduSulleyman Amadu

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“To upgrade my accadamic performance so that I become a better person in future and to have a good job as a doctor.

Moreover my Dad has passed away and in my family is only me that my accadamic performanc is high.  Only my mother cannot afford for my fees.

So I want you to help me to achieve my drem to be a doctor in future.”



Derrick Joe AppiahDerrick Joe Appiah

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“I am pleading with Anansi to award me a scholarship to the senior high school because I am a brilliant but needy student.

Even in my basic education, my parent struggled financially before seeing me through successfully.

It is my dream to attain a higher education so that I can contribute my quota to the nation by putting what I have learnt into practice.”


Sarah Agyeiwah ArthurSarah Agyeiwah Arthur

Sponsored by Stephen and Mavis Roe

Sarah lives with her single father, a farmer, and four siblings.  She earned the highest score possible on her exam for entrance to high school.

On their applications each student is asked to write directions to their house so Anansi can conduct a “home visit” to verify need.  This is how Sara told us to find her house:

“From Mpeasem, you will take a walk along the road to Kuase.  After there you continue the journey to Asenadse which is along the same route you took.  From Asenadse, you will go straight to meet a town called Nyamebekyere.  Take the path leading to the town or village.  You will meet two ways along the path.  Take the road on your left and go straight.  When you are there ask the houses on your left that you are looking for Mr. Abraham.”

Emmanuel ArthurEmmanuel Arthur

Sponsored by Tom Glesne and Kasia Patora

Both my mother and father have passed on, therefore I and my younger sister are orphans.

Our uncle is now our gardian.  He is an ordinary farmer and also has three children.  Two boys are persuing technical courses and his daughter is about to go to the senior high school with me. At the same time.  Also my younger sister is at the primary school.

Despite his effort he has no work apart from a farm which we all work for our daily bread and so on, and now without your help we would not be able to continue our education and this can affect me drastically and hinder my dream career as a lawyer.  With all this tragedy if I do not have any help in my education I will become useless in the future and I will be doomed with poverty forever.

To conclude, knowing that I am an orphan if you help me I promise that I will not make your money and effort go in vain.  If I become succesful in future I will also return this favour and charity to poor and needy students like meself.

Dreams:  To become a lawyer, not just a lawyer but a rational and succesful one.

Emmanuel ArthurEmmanuel Arthur

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“The main aim or objectives that I want Anansi to give me a scholarship in Second cycle institution are as follows:

My parents are illiterate and they are fisherman and fishmongers.  They find it difficulty items of payment of school fees.  Right now my father is very old and he cannot work anymore.  I am being taken care of by my senior brother who is also a fisherman.  At time when I go to them for school fees due to the nature of the work that they are doing he would say I don’t have money now, so go and at the appropriate time they will come and pay my school fees.  I even come to school without paying any school fees and the administration will sack me from class with the view that I have not paid anything.  I even feel worried why I enter in second cycle institution.

My younger brother who finished last two years are now in the house because my mum said she also cannot cater for us because right now even to eat has been a burden to them, but the Bible said in 1st Peter, chapter 5, verily I say we should cast out all our worries to Him because he think about us.  I plead with Anansi in the Name of God that they should come to my aid of helping to pay my school fees in order to reduce the financial burden on the family.  Future leaders of the country depends on us, and we can achieve this through financial help from Anansi.

Please! And Please again help me to achieve my ambition in life.  I will be much greatful to Anansi if she assist me and my family in terms of payment of school fees.

I am future Auditor of a company and would like you to help me to achieve my aspiration.  Thank you.”

Kingsley Nimo ArthurKingsley Nimo Arthur

Sponsored by Erin Dalin

My father divorced my mother when I was eight years.  He left myself and four younger brothers and sisters and went and married another woman and has four children with her now.  He does not look after us.  He has left everythibng for my mother alone to do.  This has made things very difficult for us.

I am therefore pleading for a scholarship from your outfit to enable me to continue with my education so that I can educate fathers who are not responsible so that they will be responsible and also pave the way for others who need help.

Rebecca ArthurRebecca Arthur

Sponsored by Michelle Fox

We think Anansi Scholarship should help Rebecca Arthur because the father is dead and her mother will find it very difficult to cater for her in the senior high school.

Rebecca Arthur’s future dream is to become a nurse in the Repubic of Ghana.  And my mother is also helping people to make palm canel.




Esther BentumEsther Bentum

Sponsored by Reza Assadi

“The reason why I want anansi to award me a scholarship to senior high school is because of some financial problems I encounter edduring  my basic educations level which was due to a broken marriage between my parents.  But by the help of some of my teachers, I was able to complete the school and by God’s grace I have pass my B.E.C.E.

Please my dream in future is to become a teacher so that I can also help my fellow friends in community who are good academically but facing financial difficulties and my type of problem.  I hope my reason would be accepted in good faith.   Thank You.”

Maame Araba BentumMaame Araba Bentum

Sponsored by Irina Litvin

“I have been living with my grandmother when I was in class three with my younger sister.  My mother and father left us in a very tender age in our grandmother’s care  My father travelled to Ivoire Coast and since then we have not been hearing of him.  My mother also traveled without informing anybody and therefore it has become very difficult for us to trace her whereabouts.

My grandmother who is now seventy-five years old is finding it very hard to take care of my education.  Her condition now has mae me to sell ice-water sometimes just to make ends meet and also gets some school items.  I have now decided to stop schooling without getting any support from anybody.  I have the intention to further my educatiion because of that I sometimes go to the market to help one of my friend’s mother to sell fish so that we can get little amount to cater for myself.

I therefore plead with you to award me a scholarship to senior high school so that in future I will be in position to cater for needy children in order to prevent them from becoming street children and also to support your NGO since you have also supported me.”

Daniel BosomtweDaniel Bosomtwe

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

The reason why I want Anansi to sponsor me is because both of my parents are old and also are jobless because they do not have enough strength to work.  This makes them unable to provide for us in the house and also at school.

There are six sibblings in the house, two of them are at the polythechnic and one is at the S.H.S Level.  I am above to join her soon at S.H.S.  Two of them provide for themselves while the remaining one which is me is being taking care of them.  This makes life very difficult  for us.  Therefore, if I have support from Anansi, I will be able to persue further in my education.  Therefore I am pleading Anansi in giving a hand in my education.  And I promise to make good use of this time, effort and money.

Therefore I am willing to become a professional journalist in the future.  Also due to financial needs, I need your help to pay my needs as followed:  school fees, Text Books, Exercise books, Boarding and lodging fees etc.”

Juliet CobbinahJuliet Cobbinah

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“It has always been my wish to continue my education at the senior high school, but the living standard of my parents has been a challenge for me.  My father is a farmer and my mother an apprentice at a bakery so anything they end cannot support me in the senior high school.  So am therefore applying for anansi scholarship to enable me to persue my education.  My hope of becoming a nurse after my senior high school will materilize, so that I can be of help to my parents and community.  I will also serve as a role model to my fellow girls spiritually in my community.”

Kusaga DodziKusaga Dodzi

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“I am an orphan and my mother was unable to cater for us so I stopped schooling.  When my uncle heard of it he came for me from the village to continue my education here.

I would be happy if you sponsor me to have my secondary education because my uncle cannot do it alone because he is not working, he farms on a small scale to feed the family.

I beg you to give me the scholarship.  If I go to school when I finish I will also look after less privilaged ones.”

Rahana EbrahimRahana Ebrahim

Sponsored by Ellen and John Hill 

“Among the reasons I think Anansi should award me the scholarship is for me to achieve my dream of higher education.  Because of the financial status of my parents they cannot easily take me through.  With the Anansi scholarship I could be a responsible person in Ghana so as to help in the progress of my country.”





Mary EshunMary Eshun

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“I need this scholarship in order to be able to further my education so that I can become a useful person in future.  I come from a family with low financial background which is creating a lot of  problems in terms of my studies which also gives me lack of concentration.  For instance I have to leave the school to work to get something to add to what my parents had given me for my school fees.  This always makes me fall behind whiles the class are progressing.

With this problem I don’t think I can become what I want to be in future and also my dreams may be shutted down.  With this scholarship I would be able to move ahead and make progressions in future.  Sometimes even classes fee I have to struggle with my parent in order to get money for my classes fee.  I can’t be where I want to be in future without your help.

In future I would like to be a renouned newscaster because it has been my aspiration since my infancy.  I hope wih your help and that of the almighty God I would be where I want to be in future.”

Joseph EssumanJoseph Essuman

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“Due to financial crisis by booth parents, it has become very difficult for them to support me educationally.  Also we are a family of six including my mother that has been very difficult for them to even cater for us.

I will be very proud if Anansi will grant my application so that my dream of becoming a policeman will be achieved.  I am a brilliant student.  Also my father has died so please I need your help.”



Mary EwusieMary Ewusie

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“The reasons for seeking Anansi scholarship is that we are three siblings under the care of my mother as a single parent.  It has not been easy for her because my father has abandoned us completely.

So in the course of it, we had to live with my grandmother who helped to put us in school.  I have now completed and wish to continue at the senior secondary school. So that I can help my siblings in future.

I wish to become a caterer which will give me immediate job to enable me to help my siblings.  I will also employ other people to enable them to earn a living.  It will also enable me to provide nutritious and a balanced diet to both growing children and older people in the community and beyond.”

Nicholas FayemiNicholas Fayemi

“The reason being that my mother who is a single parent without my father whom cannot be found and unemployed cannot afford to cater for my secondary education due to financial constraints.

I would therefore wish anansi to assist me to persue my science course to become a medical doctor in future.”






Christian GbanagloChristian Gbanaglo

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“I, Gbanaglo Christian, who have just completed J.H.S. with aggregate 26 wishes to apply for your scholarship.

I was born in a poor family of 8.  Being the last born it was my father’s dream to give me the best of education in life.  But unfortunately I lost my dear father at age 8 when I was in primary two.  My mother who helps people and do other petty businesses to fend for us could not make enough money to keep me in school.

But since I was determined to have good and better education, I decided to fish and sell to get money to keep myself at school since I live in a fishing community.  Our result have just come and I have not make enough money from my fishing to proceed with  my education to the S.H.S.

Having heard of  your scholarship I decided to apply.  It is my dream to become a teacher someday so that I can impart what I learnt or would learn into the younger one to enable them to become responsible adults.  I hope my application would be given favourable considerations.  Thank you.”

Isaac Madrigan GyebiIsaac Madrigan Gyebi

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“The reason why I want Anansi to award me a scholarship to the senior high school is that, though I have mother but she has nothing to help me to further on my education to the senior high school level.  I also have o father as well.  That is why I want Anansi to award me a scholarship to the senior high school.

In my future, I want to be a Doctor and this is because there are a lot of people in this country and all over the world when they are sick they don’t get anyone to help them.  This is because they do not have enough money to go to the hospital and as I grow up to be a doctor, I will also help the needy people also.  Thank you.”

John KobinJohn Kobin

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“I am a boy of 18 years old applying for the scholarship from the Anansi Educational NGO by Diurector Mis Madam Kathryn Roe at Mpeasem across fro the school.  I am verty good in terms of academics but some times financial problems makes me feel so worried, with the intention of stop schooling but because of advise and counselling from  my teachers and other people I am still in school.  Sometimes I go to school with empty stomach but I don’t give up.  I continue to study hard because I want to make it in life as an accountant as far as business is concened.

Madam, the most important reaason for applying for this scholarship is to help me in terms of financial problems or needs.  Sometimes people wonder how I am in school due to financial problem of my parents.  My father is a fisherman who was admitted at hospital for serious sickness and he was operated .  Sometimes the paying of school fees become financial burden to my areents so I have to try and get some job in order to remit my school fees.

Madam, with all humility and honor, I am pleading you to grant me scholarship to further my education at the highest level.

I hope my application will be favorably considered.  Thank you for granting me this scholarship.  May God bless you forever for your support.  Thank you.”

Paulina KoomsonPaulina Koomson

Sponsored by Mary Grant

“I am an orphan.  I lost my father about ten years ago.  We are four in number and my mother has been catering for us alone.  It has not been easy at all.  Even the basic was a problem.  My elder sister who completed last two years is even in the house.  There is nobody to look after her.

So please I beg you sponsor me so that I don’t join my sister in the house.  If I am given the scholarship I promise to learn hard to acquire a job and help my other siblings as well as other needy children in future.”


Christina Nsiah-YamoahChristina Nsiah-Yamoah

Sponsored by Hillary Hamlton 

“The reason why I think Anansi should award me a scholarship to senior high school is that my mother is a single parent and as a single mother taking care of I and my siblings is difficult because our father is dead.  My mother is trying to cater for our education but things has not been easy at all.

My dream is to be a nurse and help save the lives of people in my community and my country and the world as a whole as all this will not be possible without senior high education, which is financially difficult for my mother.  As senior high school is a stepping stone for me to achieve my dream, I think Anansi should help me to bring my dream to real.  I promise to learn very hard to achieve my dream.”

Emmanuel NyekuEmmanuel Nyeku

Sponsored by Larry and Alisa Roe

“Due to the financial crises by both parents, it has deem it the opportunity to apply for the scholarship for that my ambition of becoming a sport journalist will be achieved in future.  And  also we are a family of eight people including my parents which makes it very difficult for them in terms of supporting us educationally.  I well be very proud if Anansi considers my application.”




Francis QuaicooFrancis Quaicoo

Sponsored by Reza Assadi 

“The reason why Anansi should help me is that my parents can not provide all things including the fees to S.H.S.  My father is dead and my mother too does not have enough money to provide all these financial needs to me.  I will be very greatful if Anansi award me a scholarship to senior high school.  My dream for the future is to become a very good and humble person who will take good care of my family including  my mother.  May the Allmighty God bless you and your family. Amen.”


Fatimatu SulemanaFatimatu Sulemana

Sponsored by Tim Croll and Bob McDonald 

“My mum has been a single parent and taking into consideration the hardship she went through before seeing me through the J.H.S.

I would like to be an engineer and help my mum to care for my kid siblings.”





Christiana TawiahChristiana Tawiah

Sponsored by donations from the Madamfo Foundation and the ASML Foundation.

“We are a family of six and I am the elder among my siblings. My parents are small scale farmers and sometimes find it difficult to make end meet.

They even had difficulties in terms of materially and financial support during the period of my basic education  I am currently living with my teacher’s friend.

I therefore believe that attaining a scholarship will enable me to secure some support to persue further education.  Thank You.”

Elizabeth Ama WireduElizabeth Ama Wiredu

Sponsored by Crystal Atkinson

“My father divorced my mother when I was in class three.  He left four children in the care of my mother.  My mother doesn’t have any meaningful job in shich she can cater for our needs.  Because of this she has been going to market to help people to sell in order to make ends meet.  At times, I also go to market to help some of my friends parents to sell fish to enable me get some money to buy some of my school items.  I have now completed J.H.S. and my mother is saying that she cannot afford to cater for me at S.H.S. I also have the intention of completing school at high level.

I am therefore appealing to you to award me a scholarship to S.H.S in order to accomplish my dream.

My dream for the future is that in case I become a great person in future I will also cater for the street children and also wished to open an orphanage home.”