2019-2022 Students


I am Esther Adoagyir, a girl of 16 years of age. I live with a single parent in Assin Ayaase, a village in Assin South District of Ghana. I am the seventh child in a family of 8 children. My mother is a porridge seller. Due to her financial constraints none of my elder siblings went through senior high school.


Esther Oduro Konadu is my name. I am 15 year old. I live in a village called Assin Ayaase. I happen to be the fourth born of my parents. Fate did not let my father live long. He died when I was only in primary two (2). After the death of my father, my mother who is a peasant farmer has been the only one struggling to take care of us. I mostly go to school on an empty stomach, which makes learning difficult for me.


Suweiba Mamudu is my name and I stay with my grandmother, who is a peasant farmer. My father passed away when I was only 4 years old. After my father’s death, my mother left to the city to look for a job to cater for my grandmother and me. Unfortunately, my mother hasn’t returned after her departure. No one knows her where abouts. Since my grandmother is very old, I have to weed, fetch firewood for people and carry oranges in order to buy school materials such as books, schoolbag and uniform as well as support my grandmother. I have a dream of becoming a medical doctor in the future in order to help my grandmother and other people who might be in worst position than mine.


I am Emmanuel Dentu and I live in Assorko, a village in the Western region of Ghana. I am 18 years old. My parents divorced when I was very young. I went to stay with my father’s new wife who maltreated me. I ran away to my mother’s hometown. Unfortunately for me, I got to the hometown and heard my mother died some years ago. Life became very difficult for me. My Uncle who gave me the zeal to continue my education has now decided to just focus on his children.


My name is Lovia Oduro. I live in Assin Foso. I have nine siblings and I happen to be the sixth born of my parents. My parents divorced when I was very young. I stayed with my father after the divorce. Now my father is old and he isn’t working anymore. I went to stay with a relative to help her with business in order to feed myself and support my father too.


Paulina Adjei is my name and I am seventeen (17) years of age. I live in Assin Dominase. I am the first child of my family. I lost my Dad when I was about 10 years old. After my father’s death, life became very difficult for my mother. My mother is a seller of a local Ghanaian food by the roadside. She struggles to take care of us. My mother mostly brings back home the food she sells for us to eat because there are sellers on the market with the same type of food.


Anastasia Affoakwa is my name. I am the second child of a family of seven children I live in Assin Dominase in Central Region of Ghana. Life became very difficult for me after my parents divorced. My mother works as a laborer on someone’s farm. She is the only one who supports us.


I am Isaac Ankomah. I am sixteen (16) years old and I live with a single mother with 5 children in Foso Odumasi. However, my dream of becoming a medical doctor was nearly shuttered because of financial constraint. I have no one to push me on the ladder of my second cycle education after junior high school.


Collins Fenin is my name and I’m the second child among three siblings. I live in a family house in Foso Odumasi. I am currently staying with my mother after my parents divorced. My father denied his responsibility towards me and my other siblings. My mother provides for us from the daily income she gets from laboring. I want to be a teacher.


Kate Okwan is my name and I live in Kyirakomfo, a village close to Mpeasem. I live with my parents, three sisters and one boy together in a single room. My parents are both farmers. They strive very hard in other to take care of us. Since my parents don’t have enough money to take care of all of us, they always encourage us to take our studies serious. I have a dream of becoming a teacher. I am academically good and love to know more so I can teach others.


My name is Harriet Odoom. I am fifteen years of age. I happen to be the first child of my mother. We live in Tayido, a village near Mpeasem. My parents divorced when I was born. I went to stay with my grandmother who had 5 other grandchildren she is taking care of. My grandmother is a petty trader who sells vegetables. I came back to my mother after writing my final examination in junior high school (B.E.C.E). My mother sells soft drinks. She takes care of my three other siblings in school.


I am Bismark Amoah and I live in Abrem Berase. I am the third born of my mother’s 7 children. I live with my mother and two siblings. My mother is a peasant farmer. She has been my only source of hope after my father’s death 4 years ago. I wake up at dawn to escort my mother to the farm and get some produce to sell before I go to school almost every day.


Emmanuel Nterful is my name and I live in Abrem Berase. I am the 7th child of my parents out of the 8 children. None of my older siblings have been through high school.  My parents don’t get enough money from their farming business. However, I have promised to learn very well with little assistance. I want to make my mother proud of me.


I am called Lawrencia  Acquah. I live with my mother in Efutu. I am the 2nd child of my family. My parents divorced when I was very young. My father has remarried and does not honor his responsibility as a father. My mother got crippled after the divorce. I struggle to take care of my mother and myself. I want to be a nurse in future.


Martha Asare is my name and I belong to a family of 4 children. I am the second child of my family. My mother is a petty trader and my father, a taxi driver. I am in the same class with my elder brother. Due to financial difficulties, my parents are considering focusing on my elder brother’s education.


My name is Emmanuel Tawiah. I live in a relative’s house in Nyame Bekyere (which means God will provide) a village northeast of Mpeasem. I am the third born of a family of four children. My parents get little money from their farming business that cannot support me through high school. I have a dream of becoming an accountant in future.


I am Abigail Araba Donko. I stay at Efutu. I am the first born of a family of three children. I currently stay with my father after my parent’s divorce. My father works as a carpenter. He got married to a new wife who is not working. There is not enough money from his carpentry business to support both the children of my mother and that of my father’s new wife. I want to be a fire service personnel in order to curb the problem of fire outbreak in the country at large.


James Baidoo is my name. I am a boy of sixteen years of age. I live in a muddy structured house in Efutu. I am the fourth born of five siblings. My parents are into farming. Currently my father is not working anymore, because he is sick and under treatment. Our only source of money comes from my mother who is still into farming. Due to my father’s sickness, my mother spends most of her time taking care of my father. This makes it difficult for her to earn enough money for the family. My elder brother went to SHS but couldn’t complete because my mother couldn’t support him. I want to be a journalist in future.


Comfort Mensah is my name and I live in Aboso Anto in the Western part of Ghana. My father passed away when I was very young. I went to stay with my Aunt after my father’s death. I was in the same class with one of my Aunt’s children. My Aunt is a farmer who gets little money from her farming activity to support her children and me. I want to be a nurse in future.


Elizabeth Baidoo is my name and I live in Assorko in a one room brisk house with my parents in the Western part of Ghana. My parents are both farmers. They get little money to support the family. I want to be a nurse in future so I can help my parents and other people who will need my help.


Sally Arthur is my name. I come from Yabiw. I live with my parents. My parents are farmers who cultivate cassava in our village. We live in a room where there’s no electricity. I am the third born of a family of seven children. I had two of my siblings being supported by a relative to go through high school, but no help was forthcoming this time run. My relative who supported them is no more to support me too.


My name is Portia Quaicoe. I live in Assorko, a village in the Western part of Ghana. I live with a single mother and five siblings. I am the fourth born. My father passed away when I got to JHS 1. None of my three other siblings have ever gone through Senior High School. I hardly go to school because I help my mother in the farm mostly to provide basic needs.


I am Anita Ackon. I live in Yabiw a village in the Western part of Ghana. I belong to a family of seven children and a single mother. I am the fourth born. My mother who is a peasant farmer has been our only source of income for the family after our father’s death.  I had no hope of continuing my education since none of my elder siblings continued their education after Junior High level.


My name is Monica Sam and I live in a family house in Ankwanda, a village close to Elmina. We are fourteen in the family including my parents. I am the seventh child of my family. Out of the twelve children, three of them are now searching for job to support the family. My parents are minor farmers who get little to support us. I have the heart to support others but this can only come to pass if I get help to continue my education.


My name is Denecious Asante. I am fourteen years old. I live in a family house in a village called Assin Wurakese station in Assin Foso. I have three siblings and I’m the second born. Life became bitter for my family after the death of my father. My mother is a petty trader. I also make broom and sell to support my mother. I want to be a medical doctor in future.


Grace Donkoh is my name. I live in a poorly structured rented house in Ansapetu, a village north of Mpeasem. I am the eldest among a family of eight children. My mother supports with the little money she earns from the soap she makes which is popularly known as ‘don’t touch me’. Hardly does my father earn money from the farming he makes.

I have a dream of becoming an accountant to help my parents and my younger siblings.


My name is Matilda Mensah and I live with my parents in Moree. I am the fourth born out of eight children in my family. My parents are involved in fishing activity. They earn little from the fishing, I always depend on my unemployed elder brother for anything requested from school. I want to be an important person in future but looking at situations at hand I think I cant make it.


I am Charles Eyison and I come from Moree, a town close to Cape Coast. I am the first born out of five siblings. I live with a single mother. I don’t know my father since I was born until now. My mother is a dishwasher in a ‘chop bar’. She is the only one who takes care of us. We don’t get support from anywhere.


I am Ebenezer Essoun. I live in a family house in Moree with a single mother who is seller of a local Ghanaian food known as ‘estew’. I am the fifth born of a family of eight children. I lost my Dad when I was in stage five. My mother did her possible best to send me through Junior High School but never had a dream of taking me through senior high school. I want to be a businessman in future.


Francis Tetteh is my name and I live in Egyirfa. I’m the first child of a family of six children. I live with my parents. My mother is a petty trader and my father is a taxi driver. My parents love and care about me but because there is not enough money in the house, I sometimes absent myself from school..


I am Francisca Aidoo. I come from a village called Amosima but I stay with a relative in Pedu. My parents are dead. For that reason, I went to stay with a relative who only assists someone to prepare a local Ghanaian food for sale. The relative is a single mother with a child. She provides for me from the daily income she earns from her work. I would like to be a petroleum and oil engineer in some years to come.


My name is Patrick Osei. I live with my parents in Asebu Ekroful in Central region of Ghana. I am the first born out of the six children of my parents. My Parents are peasant farmers who get little to support the family. My parents had to take care of the rest of my siblings in school. I don’t want to be like my parents. I want to be a better person to help my siblings and my parents too.


I am Alfred Ahenakwa. I live in Asebu Ekroful with my parents and my nine other siblings. My family is very large and my parents are working as farmers. I am the second born in the family. My elder sibling didn’t go through high school because of weak financial background.


My name is Naomi Nyankah. I am the fourth born of a family of eight children. I live with my parents and other siblings in a rented house in Biriwa in Ghana. My father is a fisherman and my mother is a fishmonger. Some of my elder siblings didn’t even complete Junior High school and those who completed didn’t enter into the Senior High school due to financial crises. I don’t have any hope of continuing my education looking at situations at hand.


My name is Japhthah Annan. I live in Anto a village in the Western part of Ghana. I stay with my both parents who are farmers. They grow farm produce such as cassava and plantain. I belong to a family of five siblings and I happen to be the second born. My elder sibling was unable to go through high school because of financial crises in the house.


I am Ruth Abakah Essuman. I am a young girl of 15 years old. I live with both parents who are both farmers in Komfueku in the Western part of Ghana. They cultivate farm produce such as cassava and plantain. I am the fourth born out seven children. Since all my siblings are in school, my parents find it difficult to cater for all of us. I want to become a well-trained nurse in the future and assist people who are not well in my community.
