Shelly here, a.k.a. "Shelly the Stunning" or to family, Sparkle. Thank you for clicking on my little corner of the world. I look forward to hearing from you and will respond as soon as I am able.
Why Africa? The reason I am participating in this program is: because I can. What a complete blessing and a miracle that I would be able to fulfill one of my life-long dreams while going to college. I have always been drawn to Africa and the arts, music, wildlife and of course, the richness in culture and tradition.
The way I learn best is by doing and then telling about it. This seems to be an ideal way for me to learn, study, experience and evolve. "Thank you WCC, Kathryn and Joann for giving me this incredible opportunity."
How? While sitting in ceramics class, I overheard Kathryn speaking about her experiences and stories she had gained while in Africa. I was glued to her every word! I also heard her speaking about the abroad program. I thought to myself "Whoever gets to go would be the luckiest person in the world!" Kathryn turned to me one day and said "Did you apply? Well, you should." I thought: me? Really me? She told me there were only four days until the deadline to turn in applications. I scrambled to get my application in and to make a long story short, I was accepted. I feel thrilled, lucky and blessed!!!
For those of you that don't know, I was married May 20th, 2000, to The One and Only, Benjamin D. Mears. My dear husband has been my biggest support in making this dream come to life. With his encouragement, love and enthusiasm to see me follow my dreams, we both look forward to me experiencing this opportunity. I am sad to leave him for 2 months, but so grateful that God has given me such a loving, supportive husband and one that wants me to spread my wings and lives life. " Thank you Ben."
It is hard for me to wrap my mind around the whole idea of all I might learn during this trip. I have learned so much just by planning the trip... not about practical things like the money or paper work or what to pack. I feel I am learning things like: What do I value? Who do I cherish? What do I respect? These things are not something I can pack in a backpack, load on a disc, or have care-packaged to me later. These are the things that are in my Spiritual DNA and the things that makes me, Me.
I WILL BE taking my relationship with my loving and caring God; a journal; the displine to meditate; the habit and comfort of prayer and the open-mindedness to learn everything I can from this trip academically, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually.
Thanks again to everyone who has given me words of encouragement, and support and my friends, family and friends of Jimmy K.
Many blessings to you all! Peace, Love and Happiness, Shelly
©WCC African Study Project